Also the Xbox and Steam backers still have an exclusive skin and PS4 users do not, so they may as well release it on all the systems now. I am a bit irritated by this because well when I purchased the price included exclusive content. I dropped 300 on the game for the signed special edition which I will get soon enough and am glad I supported the game. I am not quitting the game over it I enjoy the game a lot. Yes they got the game, but when it was purchased it was exclusive content included. How would anyone in any purchase wrong to be upset for not getting what they purchased. They paid 180 dollars to get a product that was advertised with the exclusives and then did not get them. I mean it does have to do with the skin, it was said to be an exclusive on kickstarter along with the clothing pack. Im not ignorant, i just wanna know how this affects anyone negatively right now. Well yeah thanks for the support of the Game then, but those 180 dollars are on you, those have nothing to do with the Skin itself.

So quit asking that they magic up some new skin or whatever because it's ridiculous. They don't owe you anything more than that. They explained the situation and apologized. With the crappy perks i roll I'd be up for a set no one else can get.īut see.that's just the thing. New skin would be great but probably not gonna happen. Meanwhile we will still be playing the game. I really feel like tonight is going to be a whiskey night for them. They had to be shitting a brick because i do believe they truly care about their backers and regular customers alike.

Can you imagine their reactions? Seriously. Were probably breathing a breath of fresh air when this bombshell dropped. They probably felt really accomplished that they got out a good patch. Taking a step back, i really have to feel hard not only for us backer site customers but for the team themselves. I do believe Gun when they say it was Sony who messed up. So, i know i am being critical here about the skin. All we can do is chalk this up to a Sony mistake and move on to new DLC Gun Media is gonna develop for everyone to enjoy. People are already on edge with wanting what they can't have now. Making another exclusive skin either just for PS4 will alienate people on Xbox and Steam who did back and now won't get this second exclusive skin or they will release on platforms to backers and now there'll be two exclusives skins and a clothing pack a majority of the gamers don't have access to. It was still plenty "exclusive" I'm still not sure why people are so strung up on having things others can't, but the Savini skin is still in very few hands. I don't imagine that many people on PS4 were even around on the store when it was released. Very few people outside of the USA got it. No one on Xbox got this, no one on Steam got it. PS fucked up and a few extra people were able to buy it for the same price people who bought it on backerkit did. This particular post said that they'd revoke the content keys from sellers if they identified who was doing the selling, but it didn't mention anything about banning players who bought the content as they 've discussed in the past.Creating another exclusive skin to backers will only further divide the gaming community. Another discussion posted later on advised players not to attempt to purchase the content from third party sites such as eBay, saying that there was no way they could help players if they got scammed. They went on in the post to say that those who didn't take the opportunity when they could "missed out," and that the content would most definitely not be sold again. They are the people that took a chance on a campaign that has produced a game that is overall fun." They are for those that backed us and have been with us from the beginning. "So here we are and here is where we are always going to stand that skin and those clothing items are not for sale. "We made that clear on Day 1 of the Backerkit that these two DLC were for backers both Kickstarter and Backerkit," the Steam post from the developers read, referencing the Savini Jason and a clothing pack.